Monday, August 24, 2015

The nightmare of the lass I just had...

The dream starts off as me and some of my friends are jetski-ing out to sea. It seems as if I knew it had rained that day and the grey skies above us. As we speed if into the endless horizon, there are no wakes to slow us down. After what seemed like a half hour we come by our first couple of sharks which seemly look strange with their fins sticking out as their only visible sign that they are there. My heart races a little, I stare at them ready to react, but we speed past them they seemed to not even if moved and before I know it I can't make out fin from wake so I resume focus on our seemly endless and pointless journey. As I rotate my head scoping the horizon I noticed suddenly there's no one around me, my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach and beating faster than it ever has in my life. Immediately I 180 and start jetski-ing to what I hope is my salvation and friends safe and sound. My brain mirages in the horizon an overturned jetski but as I approach my imagination of a jetski dissolves and at the same time my eyes laid on the carcass of a large shark, my heart plummets again. "Those two sharks were dead" i say under my breath. I continue my journey, shortly after my jetski chokes on the last drop off gas and as my body tells me to push forward I swim it out. Struggling for a while I find myself staying above water easier than I thought as it crosses my mind I notice I have a flaoting innertube and I hear "James wanna switch?" Without even comprehending I respond "yes" and react as i if I know exactly what just happened. My three friends and I are in a makeshift raft traveling to what we hope is shore. I stick to the back and doggy paddle, a sense of relief overtakes my body as we seemly drift into the endless ocean. Although, in my brain it feels like i know the outcome of what we are trying to do, regardless it's overwhelmingly calm just to be reunited with friends. As we navigate the waters we come back across what I thought were a pair of healthy sharks but now reassured, they're dead. It's accompanied by a booey this time but I make little notice of it. Curious, I for some reason want to know what the under side of one looks like having only seen pictures on the internet I wanted to see be real thing. I stick my head under water, as I stare, seafoam blue gradients to emerald green as I stare into the endless ocean, it crosses my mind that I'm able to see perfectly well without goggles on and as soon as it crosses my mind I see the silhouette of a shark in the center of my vision, it seemesly disappears from one side if my tunneled vision as the other side appears, nose first then pelvic fins that look larger than they should. It continues another pair of fins, I think to myself, "that's normal fish have four fins" as the neverending serpent body continues I am over come with grim again, I don't see a dorsal fin. I count side fins until I get to scared to count any more and pull my head out of the water realizing the impending doom, my imagination is going crazy. I start swimming as fast as I can feeling like my heart is going to explode pumping my blood, I feel it's scales rub along my feet, I start swimming harder and the only thing I hear and focus on is my heart beat thumping inside my head and the splash of the water from my own flailing body. I look over the front of my inner tube its massive serpent-like has no head I can see as it disappears into the lass. An overwhelming sense of fear incorporates every fibre of my body and I wake up. Heart pounding relief sets not soon enough adrenaline still flowing I drink some water and began sharing my story with you guys. I hope you enjoyed, I hope I can go back to sleep now, took me a little over an hour to type that on my phone. Cheers!

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