Saturday, December 3, 2016

[Update][Meta] I'm going deep sea fishing. asked for an update when I was done with my trip. If you're eating there's mention of vomit so you might not want to read this just yet. This is also quite long as well so grab a drink. TL;DR at bottom.As you know I went on a field trip Deep Sea Fishing. Yes, it was for FFA members, so a school field trip. The money we used to sell Tri-tip (sold over 2100lbs) goes back into our program. The head Ag Teacher said that this trip is once in a blue moon. Every 4-7 years. This might be (is) the first and last time I'll be in a boat in the ocean so what the heck. And we got an activity point for it (FFA point) which is 10% of our grade.Anyways, the bus left at 3:30 am. We arrived at Fisherman's Wharf (Monterey Bay) a little after 6 am. We loaded a boat after renting gear and took off after the bait was cut (squid).I was good for the most part. My friend Daniel however..."Dude if we crashed over there by those rocks we will die." "Land is just a mile away."Land is just a mile away.Land is justLandFuck that. We reached our fishing point ~30 minutes in. At that point we were ~5 miles away from land. You could see the shaded mountains and the coast. The sun rose over the mountains going from lower left to upper right. The boat moved up and down side to side climbing over small hills of water. People stumbled about and it felt like I'd fall over. Our hands were cold, and the extremities were going numb we could barely put our bait on. When the boat stopped, shit hit the fan.Gavin was the first one to throw up. A chain reaction started. Just right after the Skipper gave us the go-ahead to drop our lines in, I couldn't take it anymore. I gave Daniel my pole and stumbled inside the cabin wanting to hurl. I dry heaved a couple of times before pure bile came up. The pills did nothing to stop that. It was 'foamy' like the water in the boat's wake. More and more people came in. You got used to the sound and smell of people's vomit episode.We all stayed up at night to make the trip and were super drowsy. Bodies were sleeping everywhere. 2 people were on the floor and 2 per bench (L-shaped). A total of 10 in the cabin at max. We didn't care though, we were knocked out.Occasionally I'd wake up. Either to someone barfing, my bench-mate adjusting, someone coming in, or the Skipper giving the go-ahead to put lines in or reel them in to move to a new location for fish.Twice I tried to fish. Twice I failed. I couldn't stand long enough to move my pole and reel the line in. I just gave up and went back to sleep. After about 6 hours on the water we headed back in. The moment I stepped on the pier, all my symptoms instantly went away...People used the bathroom, bought food, or went straight to the bus. I admit, I wasted $35 buying chocolate (my one weakness). I barely bought like a pound of that stuff, but lessoned learned.I was behind everyone else as I spent a long time in the candy shop behind another person. As I was heading back, there was a homeless guy with a sign that said:Well there is no reason to lie I need a beer.I walked a couple of steps ahead and then walked back."Hey man", and I gave him my last $5. It was a simple phrase, but I'll never forget what he said to me next."Thank you brother."I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think I needed to. At least I can say I bought someone else a beer for the first time. I've forgotten his face, but he was probably mid 50s. Salt and pepper growth on his face and head.Bus was loaded and people accounted for. I gave a guy some chocolate for a $1. Gave another a cherry bomb (chocolate) as the girl I (secretly) have a crush on declined it. So here I am, 2 1/2 hours later at home.I hope you guys enjoyed the update, those who asked. I have chocolate to eat and a game to build while ignoring homework.TL;DR: Seasickness is a bitch. Spent $35 on chocolate and gave $5 to a homeless guy who just wanted a beer.ETA There was better cell reception in the ocean than on the road.ETA 2 The only good things about the trip was the sleep, an all black bird (looked like a duck) dive under water, and a buoy that just liked the movies looked and sound like one. Had a bell too. And the homeless guy.

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