Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just curious: how many of you actually have thalassophobia?

I know there's a lot of subscribers to this sub who are like me, and are actually drawn to and like the subject matter here. I have spent a lot of time in the ocean and done the sorts of things depicted on this sub; night diving, cave diving, sailing on rough seas, swimming with sharks, and so on. This sub shows all the ancient, spook, eerie aspects of the ocean that you don't get in r/oceanporn and the like. There's more to love about the sea than sunsets and gentle beaches. I'm landlocked now and missing the ocean is one of the reasons I subbed here.I'm just wondering what the distribution really is. For those of you who are afraid of the water, why are you here? Is it shocking or disturbing but somehow enjoyable? Personally heights make me really nervous and I get a thrill from /r/sweatypalms.

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