Tuesday, June 7, 2016

When games hit your megalohydrothalassophobia

Despite having actually gone swimming in deep waters just fine so long as I don't dwell on it, I've always been able to make myself feel scared by thinking about giant snakes or turtles (not sharks) suddenly coming at me under water (even if I'm not in the water at the time). Giant jump-from-hole eels in games can touch on it a little.This said, I can only think of one time I was strongly hit by megalohydrothalassophobia: Clanker in Banjo-Kazooie.The first time I went into that level I had to nope-nope-nope right back out because WHAT WAS THAT THING?!? I like giant beasties generally, and seek out horror games, but Clanker... No. I did go back to work on completing the level but it was constant unpleasantness until I got out.For anyone who hasn't played, when you swim into the level this is what you see: http://ift.tt/1X8MysI relate?

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