Saturday, April 4, 2015

When did you realize you had thalassophobia?

For the first 14 years of my life I had no fear of water. I had swam in pools, rivers, lakes and oceans. My dad was an avid sailor, and he signed me up for sailing classes the summer before I started high school. We trained on 420's (image), little 12 foot sailboats out on lake Michigan.One particularly choppy day we're out holding a couple of quick races. Wind fills the sail and we capsize. The pair of kids crewing with me are tossed out, but I get caught in some line and stay in the boat as it rolls completely over. This moment I will never forget:It was really calm in the air pocket under the boat. I was moving with the boat and the waves, so it almost seemed still. The sunlight was reflecting up into the pit so that it was eerily illuminated. I looked down and saw my feet. I saw the lines in the water, draping about. I saw the mast of the boat extend some 15 feet, and the sail rippling in the currents, and nothing else. It was an endless green. There was no visible earth, just deeper, darker green. I took a deep breath and swam out, we righted the boat and cancelled the rest of the races.I can still swim in pools, but since that day I have an unrelenting fear of large bodies of water. I've actually grown incredibly anxious after recounting the story. May those of you willing to share yours suffer less, though I know you will suffer undoubtedly!

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