Thursday, April 9, 2015

Some of my friends went scuba diving and came back with a story that's meant to be funny

Okay, it is kind of funny. But if you thalassophobes out there were in the same case it wouldn't be funny... at all.So I have a group of 5 or so friends that are all Boy Scouts and a few years ago went scuba diving in a high adventure camp called Seabase. This meant for a week they maintained and piloted their own boat. This meant a good chunk of the time they fished right out of the ocean for dinner. They would clean and eat their own catches, some of them being 4-5 feet long. They kept a bucket of chum from the spare bits and organs of the fish they didn't eat. Stuff like the venomous spines of a lionfish and such. One day they went for a swim, no diving. And this one guy that we'll call James was the last one in the water. Everyone else was kinda yelling at him to get out from the boat, and the idiots they were they started throwing bits of chum at him. That stuff is nasty, so James starts to get out of there. But before he can a school of fish, upwards to 50-100 of them. ranging from 2-4 feet surround him, eating the chum. They all had pretty big teeth. The thought of being James in that situation scares the crap out of me... I don't know about you.

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