Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Returned to the Sea (Not mine, written by /u/Zealotforce, do not upvote me. X-post WrititngPrompts

(Again, not mine, written by /u/Zealotforce. Do not upvote this. Upvote the original comment hereI did not drown. I thought to myself as I slowly sank to the ocean floor, expecting the pressure from the ocean to take it's toll, and compress me into nothingness. When that did not happen, I expected the ocean to erode me away, to become nothing but dust. I did not crumble. I expected the monsters of the deep to surround me, slowly, agonizingly take me apart, through twisted teeth and sharp fangs. But they did not come. I was not eaten. I struggled at first, then I waited for the chains that bound me to rust, to weaken, and the rope around me to crumble. Countless years passed by, and I simply thought. A thought a day, and I meditated peacefully. Eventually, my shackles shattered. I rose up again, resurrected from the sea. I was nowhere, no land in sight. I swam, my body the same as it was when I was first thrown in. Months passed of swimming towards the sun, it's light my only hope to find land. I had finally stumbled onto the beach completely naked when I noticed the absence of humans. Europe, or what was left of it was barren. No trees, no grass, no life. It was a desert, the sun mercilessly beating down upon the sand and waves. There was nothing for me here, nor would there be anywhere else. So I returned to the sea.(All credit to /u/Zealotforce)

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