Thursday, April 9, 2015

Guys, I don't have a photo, but a story my friend told me... it's worth it, really.

He's an avid, high-level scuba diver with no fear. He told me a lot of stuff that gave me jeebies but this one..."We were doing a night dive and we were all equipped with powerful LED underwater lights. It was inky black anywhere the lights weren't shining. After a while, a school for 40-50 tiger sharks came up over the reef, it was stunning. Anywhere we shone the lights, they would attack, any fish we could find, we'd light them up and the sharks would swarm it. And anything bigger, like an octopus, man... it was a feeding frenzy."I told him you could never get me in water after dark. He looked at me like I was nuts. :/

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